Sign up for the Windows Insider Program.
- Sign up for the Windows Insider Program.
- Read the system requirements.
- Click one of the Download links on this page to download a special file—it's called an ISO file—that you can use to install the preview.
- When the download is complete, transfer the ISO file to installation media such as a DVD or USB flash drive.
- Double-tap or double-click setup.exe from the installation media, and then follow the steps.
Download links
Language Link to download SHA-1 hash value English 64-bit (x64)Download (3.81 GB)EB75A3D3C0F621F175B75DC65DB036D0E00EAC43English 32-bit (x86)Download (2.93 GB)73AC23AD89489855F33CA224F196327740057E2EEnglish (United Kingdom) 64-bit (x64)Download (3.79 GB)17C6CD7224D13DB61B93A4A9D38202E3A0019378English (United Kingdom) 32-bit (x86)Download (2.94 GB)BFF496678A09255738BFBFA14903295D55478C33